
Swedish Massage
A deep tissue massage; this can be just a back massage or a full body.
Indian Head Massage
A traditional scalp, neck and shoulder massage.
Tera Mai Reiki Master; healing with symbols given by Dr Usui of Japan
Spiritual Healing
Hands on Healing where I am just the channel for universal energy
Advanced Theta Wave Healing
A new and exciting healing technique channelled by Vianna Stibal.  When Vianna experienced an instant healing from cancer in her leg, she was determined to share this tool with the world.  You too can connect with the infinite through a Theta Brainwave and experience accelerated creativity, pure love, practical intuition and healing.  Together we open hearts and minds.  
Spiritual Surgery
I am just a channel for Abraham.........not THE Abraham, he just happens to have given me the name of Abraham!

Spiritual Teacher
Spiritual Awareness